Dance Artworks Gallery Ambassador Program - Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the Dance Artworks Gallery Ambassador Program!

We’re excited to have you promote the gallery and its artworks. Before signing up, please read and agree to the following terms and conditions.

How the Program Works

1. Referral Link and Code:
Upon joining, you will receive a unique referral link and discount code. This code is for sharing with your audience, not for personal use.

2. Promoting the Gallery:
You will promote Dance Artworks Gallery products using your referral link or discount code across your social media, website, or other marketing channels.

3. Commissions and Discounts:
- You will earn a 5% commission on every successful referral sale made through your link or code, calculated on the pre-tax amount.
- Customers using your referral code will receive a 5% discount on their order.

4. Tracking and Payment:
- You can track your sales and commissions through the VWA.LA dashboard on Dance Artworks. Payments are made once orders are fulfilled, and all returns or cancellations are resolved (usually after 30 days).
- Payments can be made through PayPal, or store credit.

General Rules:
- You may not use your own referral code to place orders. Doing so may result in disqualification.
- The promotion of your referral link must align with our brand values, focusing on integrity and authenticity in your marketing.
- We reserve the right to terminate your participation if any fraudulent or unethical practices are detected.

Third-Party Terms:
As a participant in this program, you must also agree to the [third-party terms and conditions]( set by VWA.LA, which include regulations on payments, fraud prevention, and affiliate tracking.

Thank you!

Dance Artwork Gallery team